Administrative Action Reporting Mechanism (AARM)

Report administrative actions taken by providers following a substantiated report of abuse or neglect.
Administrative Action Reporting Mechanism (AARM)


Provider agencies under certain State Oversight Agencies (OPWDD, OMH, OASAS, OCFS, or DOH) are required to submit information about what,  if any, administrative actions the agency took after a substantiated report of abuse or neglect.  That information is submitted to the Justice Center through the Administrative Action Reporting Mechanism (AARM) web application.  AARM allows State Oversight Agencies to ensure that provider agencies under their jurisdiction are taking appropriate actions to prevent future abuse or neglect of vulnerable persons.

Authorized Persons

Authorized Persons (AP) are individuals designated by a provider agency to enter information into AARM.  At least one AP must be registered in order to receive notifications that a subject has been substantiated for abuse or neglect.  A provider should choose an employee who it believes is appropriate to receive email notifications regarding substantiated cases and obtain and enter information about administrative actions taken in those cases.

A provider may register Authorized Persons using the registration form.  If a provider needs to delete an individual listed as an AARM AP, an email should be sent to: [email protected].

Access AARM

Submit information regarding administrative actions taken following a substantiated report of abuse or neglect.

Access aarm

Reference Guides

Quick reference guides and detailed user manuals on using the WSIR application.

Online Training

The Justice Center offers video training sessions for AARM users.  The training will take a user step-by-step through the process of filing information with the Justice Center using AARM.