Pre-Employment Checks

Pre-Employment Checks

The Justice Center conducts pre-employment checks on those seeking paid or volunteer positions with providers under Justice Center jurisdiction. If hired, these applicants would have regular, substantial, face-to-face contact with people who receive services in New York State.  The pre-employment check process has two components: a check of the Justice Center's Staff Exclusion List and a Criminal Background Check.  Running these checks helps keep both individuals with special needs and the workforce safe from people who may cause them harm.

For Providers
Pre-Employment Checks
Staff Exclusion List (SEL)

The Staff Exclusion List (SEL) contains the names of individuals found responsible for serious or repeated acts of abuse and neglect in New York State. They are prohibited from being hired by any agency or provider under Justice Center jurisdiction.

Criminal Background Checks (CBC)

Certain providers must request a criminal background check (CBC) prior to hiring a new employee or volunteer.  The Justice Center reviews the applicant's criminal history, and makes an initial determination on whether the applicant can be considered for employment.

Pre-Employment Checks - Summit Presentation
Alternative Text
Alternative Text
Pre-Employment Checks - Summit Session 2023